Outdoor, Puerto Rico

Laguna Grande

4687 reviews

City: Fajardo

Visitors can set the water aglow and create a trail of light with every stroke of their paddles during guided nighttime kayaking tours. Trips are usually offered around the cycles of the moon, timed to the darkest nights. Some tours also combine kayaking with an afternoon nature walk to La Mina Falls in the nearby El Yunque National Forest.

There are only a handful of places in the world where bioluminescent plankton is consistently found, three of which are in Puerto Rico. In addition to Lagunda Grande, this natural phenomenon exists in Mosquito Bay on Vieques Island and the bay at La Parguera. Laguna Grande in Fajardo is surrounded by red mangrove trees, which are native to the surrounding El Yunque rain forest and provide vitamin B12 to the marine plankton.